My mind is full, I need to sleep on a lot of this. We haven't been back to the doctors in 2 weeks, because of the whole waiting list thing.
I don't know whether to focus on ABA therapy or chelation. I don't know whether to start him on the GFCF diet. I don't know whether to continuing beating myself up for giving him the thimerosal loaded vaccination, including the flu shot, forever. I don't even know if he is on the Autism Spectrum. I know he is different. That's about all I know. One thing I know for sure is that Mercury Poisoning (toxicity) symptoms are identical to the symptoms of full blown autism. Society will argue forever that vaccinations did not cause this. I am not going to argue this. I have my opinion, no one is going to change it. I knew about thimerosal before he was born. I said point blank that he will not be vaccinated (for this reason). When there was a pertussis outbreak in the county we lived in the week he was born, I took that as a sign (along with urging from family members), and vaccinated him for it. Then I let my pediatrician convince me to continue vaccinating him, and how safe they are. True, a lot of children, especially girls, are not affected by the heavy metals use in vaccines to preserve them. But some are.
I know he is different. While I am not dying to label him with a word...I do need to know what he has. The waiting is hard, because I don't know what road to take. The waiting is because it takes a while to get into all of the different doctors.
I do feel he has Sensory Intergration Disorder. He gets overstimulated easily which results in an uncontrollable fit. My sweet husband is not used to the stares and dirty looks we get when god forbid we interrupt the people at Starbucks for 5 minutes while they lounge around reading magazines and drinking $5 lattes, while I try to run in, buy Jenny Mccarthy's new Autism book, and run out...but of course, there are escalators there and if Bastian can't ride up and down them 100 times, he has an uncontrollable fit. I am used to the bruises, they don't bother me.
He doesn't line things up, he does have eye contact, He does point, both to draw my attention to something, and to point out something he wants. He doesn't stack things maniacally. He is 'present'. He babbles. Therefore, he is not Autistic. There is no arguing that.
There is however, arguing that he is on the Autism Spectrum, more specifically Autism Spectrum Disorder, most specifically PDD:NOS, or Aspergers Syndrome. He does need a Static environment, he does need warning of what is about to happen, he does need to be on a sensory diet. He does get frustrated, for very long periods of time when I don't know what he is saying, very very long.
He stims when he is frustrated and has repetitive speech
but not near as much as I have seen.
Thank the Goddess for youtube, not to mention google.
As usual, with him I use too many words, he needs 2 words or less, or visual or Sign language.
He hates being interupted in the middle of a sequence. He only parallel plays. We've stopped going to our play groups.
If he does not get his way, the whole world knows it. Not getting his way means not being able to watch mickey mouse or play on the computer or daddy's laptop. If he wants any of these and does not get it, much of the day is ruined. But how can I let him waste away in front of a screen? I can't.
Whats the point? The point is that he is happy. That he lives a happy, nurtured, conscious life. All I care about is that he is happy. Whatever that means. And happy for the long run.
He needs security...his doctor has recommended a weighted backpack or vest. As of today he is on half of the GFCF diet, that is no dairy whatsoever. He is also on probiotics to help his digestion and cilantro tincture to get the heavy metals out of his body. I've switched him to a homeopathic coffee cruda instead of the melatonin one of his doctors put him on to help him sleep. If you take a lot of melatonin, your brain stops producing it naturally which can lead to worse sleep disorders later on.
I wouldn't change him for the world. But if I knew more about him, I could help him to be happier. More to come when I can figure more of this out, and if you know me, you know I will.