If you are reading this, then TAG! you are it! Your turn!! I'm waiting!! Anyways, I've been working on this for 3-4 days now and have only come up with 72 things... might be 73, I can't seem to get a counter on this thing. OK, tada! for your reading pleasure, 73 (or 74?!) things you might, and might not want to know about Kim!
I'm a homebody
I hate crowds
I hate loud noises
I only like jewelry I pick out
I would protect my husband and son at all costs
I have 3 full siblings, and 7 step-siblings, and out of the 7 step-siblings, there are 2 sets of twin girls from 2 different families!
I have a keen sense of smell and hearing, which isn't always a good thing
I have OCD
My husband accepts everything about me
I only wear silver
I believe in vampires
I believe in unicorns and faeries
I've had too many sexual partners to list
I have 4 tattoo's and want a dozen more
I'm high strung
If I'm making a 'to-do' list, I can relax a bit
I love gay people
I don't believe in a God, that is a man up in heaven or his son.
I stick with religions that celebrate women
I want many more children right away
I talk too much shit eerrr, have lots of strong opinions :)
and love too much
I feel everything and am super sensitive
'To each his own' is very important to me.
Everyday I am grateful to myself that I didn't get my son circumsized
I think dairy is the devil
I don't believe in hell
Side effects from vaccinations scare the shit out of me yet I vaccinated my son
I a hypochondriac
I'm not always nice to my soulmate
I get frustrated easily if things aren't in order
I love Sara Mclaughlin
I love pictures and memories and scrapbooks and journals
I am not in touch with anyone from my highschool except my sisters and my X.
I get cold easily
I love hot baths, but usually fall asleep in them
I am crazy and anal about a lot of things like baby-proofing
I am lazy except when I feel passionate about something
I love being a housewife
I love being a SAHM
I love the first day of snow of the season
I love the moon more than anything
My favorite color is blue
I've been loved deeper than I thought possible
I need to lose 100 lbs.
I wish I could smoke pot
I'm very very picky about porn
I think we should only be allowed to eat organic and local foods...(can i have a side of poison with that?)
I think tattooed men are sexy
I don't ovulate or produce progesterone, yet I do produce too much testorone which is why many think I'm a bitch!
I hate taking pills/prescriptions
I love running errands and making lists
I budget/balance money, etc. every day, several times a day
I hate seeing dead bodies, the ones I've seen before (at funerals) give me nightmares to this day.
I don't think I've slept a night where I don't think someone is going to break in and kill me.
I would like to say to anyone I see wearing fur: "Would you like me to anally electrocute you and your children and then skin you semi-alive, so that I can be trendy?"
Watching Ice skating makes me cry
7 Guys have asked me to marry them
6 Guys have told me I am their soulmate
I have one soulmate god damnit! (Michael of course)
I believe what most psyhics say to me
I'd love to live off the grid and have my family eat only from my garden
I am overly sensitive
I have an addictive personality
I've kissed 4 girls in my life, or was it 5, and yes, alcohol was involved every time
I want to raise my children by the cycles of the earth
16 is my favorite number
One of the main reasons I moved my family when my son was 6 weeks old (and my nephew as 2 days old) was because I wanted to raise him in a place with more seasons...I think that is very important.
School wasn't for me
I'm glad my husband is smart
I feel guilty most of the time for one thing or another, even more so since my son was cut out of me.
Did I mention, my son was upside down inside of me (right side up), and I never knew it!
I couldn't be more in debt to anyone than my husband for making the decision (after the books and materials and huge-ass blow up pool, and umbilical clip, and placenta bowl, etc. were already bought and paid for!!) that we were having our son with the midwives...which led to the hospital which led to a healthy baby, whereas, I was going to birth him at home, and to not get too into it, that would've gone terribly-heartbreakingly wrong- Go Daddy!
I don't believe in hell
I think desert rain is so beautiful and the best smell on earth
I have lots of regrets, but if all of my choices landed me where I was today, then it was all worth it.
Nobody's sunsets are as magnificent as Tucsons!
I love my house and slate tile!
I am finally happy.
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