Saturday, August 25, 2007

During the Interim

I am teaching my son...ASL, numbers, colors and words right now.
I should do some sensory/motor work like putting the right sized cube in its hole, that uses his mind also. Im actually thinking of putting him in a day care or preschool or whatever its called. Its a Montessori school that accepts toddlers.
I think he needs it. Plus lots of appointments coming up on the journey to diagnosising him...perhaps with Aspergers.

As far as life, I'm trying to be a good wife and mother, and kim, which is very hard right now. I'm just trying to find whats right. I fuck up on the way. I'm too sensitive, and too anxious. I let my energy be sucked. I love. I try. I can't forget. The moon is almost full...Corn Moon. Then fall, which is my favorite season.

I have lots of pictures from my blogging hiatus. I will get them up.

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