Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I have so much to say

I have a lot to say. I have a lot to say about birth, and vaccinations, and child abuse and animal abuse and animal torture and the veal industry and veganism, and AUTISM, and Paganism. What I know is that no one listens if I'm 280 lbs. with very short dark brown hair. I know this because I was once skinny with long blonde hair and did my makeup everyday. I have a lot to say to my sons future teachers and schools. I have to be taken seriously and I know how to get that accomplished...look good. I accept this social stereotype because I have lived it. I'm not even offended by it because I know it to be is what America accepts and since I live here, I accept it. I have been the girl that has everything done for her and given to her and I have been the girl that has been the recipient of massive rudeness and ignored while having my thoughts ignored. Being an activist at heart, I realize this does not work for me. I am currently detoxing, losing weight, redoing my outward appearance...for my health and future, and my sons future, and so people will listen to what I have to say. I have a lot to say. I am EXTREMELY PASSIONATE about so much...about toxic lead filled toys from China...about proving that we are poisoning our children with mercury in the form of Thimerosol in the evils of the veal/DAIRY industry, and the torture and pain we inflict upon animals. To the voiceless words of young babes being hurt, scared, and the comfort and joy I feel with the neo pagan movement. I'm not ignorant to the facts of what fellow humans want their activists to look like to be taken seriously, and I must be taken seriously because I am passionate about what i have to say and there is so much to say [to stop the pain, cruelty, torture and that there is worldwide compassion and acceptance].

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