Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Strep, Flu?, Food Poisoning, Oh MY!
A few nights ago, my husband and I woke up to our baby vommiting uncontrollably. Thank God he sleeps with us or this couldn've been bad. I changed the sheets, husband changed him, and we all laid back down, and then more puke and then more and then more! And then when his little tummy was empty, he was dry heaving and choking for a few hours. I sent the man to the couch around 6 am, because a few hours of sleep before he worked would be nice. At 9 am, I took booboo to the pediatrician. After checking him over and over, she determined everything looked and sounded fine, but then thought that sometimes with babies that the only symptom of strep throat is vomiting. She swabbed for it and it came back positive!!?!?!? I cried. He has never had strep throat before, I was not prepared. We have been very lucky that he has never had an earache before, and maybe 2 or 3 runny noses in 19 months (Knock on wood). So, we did the antibiotic thing. ( I won't bore you with what it took for me to make this agonizing decision), we went the one time, slow released shot that hurt him so bad.
I felt fine for about a day, maybe it was the adrenalin, and was busy spoiling him. Then whatever I had set in and decided to make itself at home.
My husband felt sick too, the 3 of us started feeling sick at the same time on the same morning, and then it got worse and worse, which is why we thought of food poisoning. We had all had eggs at IHOP 2 days before, and I really think it was this. In 29 years I had never felt like this and I have never had food poisoning. I think we had it, and we had it bad.
I'm still not better, still cannot think, but I cannot complain at all because the days of sitting on the toilet holding a bucket have seemed to pass.
I think my husband made me better. He is such a healer. I cried all day yesterday trying to take good care of my baby while feeling horrible. I was in such despair. Then my husband comes home early from work, with all kinds of fluids, and saltine crackers (we checked, I'm not pregnant), he built me a big fire, and took care of booboo. He gave me a massage because I was so sore, then I slept for a full night. And now I still feel it in me, but I AM SO MUCH BETTER!
This has led me to wonder why I trust other people with my families health. I meticulously check the dates on food and throw out anything the day before it expires. I am very serious about this. But then, why would I trust a cook at IHOP to be as careful with food at I am? I mean, God, what if it was Ecoli, like the little 2 year old up north just died from? I dont' think I will ever eat eggs again, and I don't think we will be dining out anymore either. I am going to take our grocery money, plus the money we will be saving from not going out to eat, not buying dairy, eggs, pepsi, rum, copious amounts of rice or soy milk for booboo's bottle (we successfully weaned him! Yay!) and processed foods, and take all that money and go straight to Wild Oats and buy Fresh, ORGANIC, local fruits and veggies, and whole ingredients to make meals (imagine that!) I'm going to stop saying I don't have enough money to eat organic or to fix organic meals for my family, because obviously I have enough money for all that other crap. And this has taught me how important what my family eats is, especially a 30 lb. baby...this could've been so much worse.
I feel so much closer to little bubba after staying up all night that first night watching him breathe, and making sure he did not choke. It was sad, but bonding. And my knight of a husband comes to the rescue again and fixes the world as usual. And while I was sick, we got the first snow of the season! It was so beautiful. Mom and I raced out front to gather the rest of the Walnuts from our tree. We both felt too sick to do this, but walnuts are important and expensive. The snow is sticking on the ground, it is beautiful and booboo can say Snow. Ahhh, life is perfect. I HOPE THE REST OF YOU ARE FEELING BETTER TOO! <3
Monday, November 20, 2006
Special Foot

a pic of his super straight foot while I was adding his mirage of bottle sucking photos. Which gives me a good opportunity to say how straight his little clubbed foot is now. We were so lucky to find our Podiatrist, and that his surgery, his castS and now his special brace at night all worked so well on his little foot. It is completely straight and his is walking perfectly, we are very lucky. In the last photo there, you can see the Wolfie that competes with Mama for his #3 love in life, haha.
Why my baby hates me

Good question. Is it because I'm ATTEMPTING to take away his bottle full of rice or soy milk that he is ADDICTED to?! Good lord, I have never seen a baby so oral for this specific nipple. Since day ONE he knew what he wanted, and here we are, 18 months later, extremely addicted. You think your baby is having a hard time giving up the bottle? I have never seen a baby so crazy. He hates pacifiers, he would not nurse on me no matter how hard I tried. He wants this bottle 24 hours a day full or empty, just as long as he is sucking on it. At this point it is completely to pacify, completely to comfort. The reason I am so crazy you ask?! Because of course I want to pacify and comfort my baby! I remember the first bottle he ever had and those few minutes were the most satisfying of my entire know that my baby is comforted, his suckling need is being attended to, and above all, his belly is getting full. Theres no feeling like it in the world. Now, of course, he doesn't need it to fill his belly, which helps me. But his latest visit to his pediatrician changed the world. "Get him off the bottle, off the rice milk, this week, period!" Of course I know this is for his teeths sake and that is very important to me. If it weren't for this, I would not be consuming my every waking hour trying to hold back the tears while trying to wean him. TRYING is the key word there. This leads me to my new realization that my baby hates me. His list of loves goes like this: #1 Daddy....#2 Bottles....#3? who knows, it could be a tie between his puppy Zeus, his stuffed wolf his Uncle Ian and Auntie Jenny and cousin Khris bought for him, or his Mama. It all gets kinda melded together. Am I bitter? Nah. I want my baby to be happy and whatever makes him happy makes me happy. Am I sad. Of course. I have nurtured and loved this baby every day and night for 19 months. I have given him every thing he wants, I have done everything for him. I live for him. My days are all planned around him. However, I know he is a man, and I should know by now, thanks to my old Scorpio, that I could love a man so completely for a very long time, and still mean nothing to them in the end. OK back to the point, his teeth, I scrub the hell out of them many times a day, and still one of them looks a little off colored. Which is THE reason he cannot have another bottle with milk in it no matter how long he screams and whines. His record is 8 hours, minus a short nap. My husband says I am just weak. But when it comes to my babies #2 love in his whole life, it is hard for me not to give it to him. Hopefully, by the next post, life will be a little calmer! Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
I conformed