Well, after never adding blogs or pics to my bluesilvermoon site after forever, and after using the sexy mans myspace for my communicative needs, I finally decided to just do it. Just go to blogspot. hehe. I hope to be better at this one at updating it and such and keeping connected with you all, because I can actually do this one myself. Booboo is sleeping now because he just got his flu shot today and was not happy and needed a nice big nap. I needed a nap too from all of the anxiety I always build up from deciding to vacinate him...but all I did was have a nightmare of when I took my eyes off him when the door to Grandpa's pool was open...sigh. Look for me later because I swear I will be here! -K
Yay. I'm so happy you're a blogger now like me. I felt the same thing, that on this site I could do it myself, and not have to wait for my husband to post the pictures. I can't wait to keep up with your blog. Maybe I'll see if I can link to it too. And I tried to subscribe to your blog, I don't know if it worked because I've never done that before, but we'll see the next time you post. Love you sis! Brooke
I love it .. I will be adding comments .. ohh yea.. Im sexy
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