Good question. Is it because I'm ATTEMPTING to take away his bottle full of rice or soy milk that he is ADDICTED to?! Good lord, I have never seen a baby so oral for this specific nipple. Since day ONE he knew what he wanted, and here we are, 18 months later, extremely addicted. You think your baby is having a hard time giving up the bottle? I have never seen a baby so crazy. He hates pacifiers, he would not nurse on me no matter how hard I tried. He wants this bottle 24 hours a day full or empty, just as long as he is sucking on it. At this point it is completely to pacify, completely to comfort. The reason I am so crazy you ask?! Because of course I want to pacify and comfort my baby! I remember the first bottle he ever had and those few minutes were the most satisfying of my entire life....to know that my baby is comforted, his suckling need is being attended to, and above all, his belly is getting full. Theres no feeling like it in the world. Now, of course, he doesn't need it to fill his belly, which helps me. But his latest visit to his pediatrician changed the world. "Get him off the bottle, off the rice milk, this week, period!" Of course I know this is for his teeths sake and that is very important to me. If it weren't for this, I would not be consuming my every waking hour trying to hold back the tears while trying to wean him. TRYING is the key word there. This leads me to my new realization that my baby hates me. His list of loves goes like this: #1 Daddy....#2 Bottles....#3? who knows, it could be a tie between his puppy Zeus, his stuffed wolf his Uncle Ian and Auntie Jenny and cousin Khris bought for him, or his Mama. It all gets kinda melded together. Am I bitter? Nah. I want my baby to be happy and whatever makes him happy makes me happy. Am I sad. Of course. I have nurtured and loved this baby every day and night for 19 months. I have given him every thing he wants, I have done everything for him. I live for him. My days are all planned around him. However, I know he is a man, and I should know by now, thanks to my old Scorpio, that I could love a man so completely for a very long time, and still mean nothing to them in the end. OK back to the point, his teeth, I scrub the hell out of them many times a day, and still one of them looks a little off colored. Which is THE reason he cannot have another bottle with milk in it no matter how long he screams and whines. His record is 8 hours, minus a short nap. My husband says I am just weak. But when it comes to my babies #2 love in his whole life, it is hard for me not to give it to him. Hopefully, by the next post, life will be a little calmer! Happy Thanksgiving!
1 comment:
My husband says Im just weak.
Well as my profile states Imanass. Well this is true but let me state how I figured this. Weak meaning that the milk that is in the fridge is for cereal, so in the back of your mind tell yourself that there is no milk in the fridge and just dont give it to him. Although when I think about it I should have said that you know .. I can help you with this and we can work on this together.
You are the stongest woman in the world and I love you so much. I am so prowd of you and the way you take care of our son.
Kiss Kiss
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