I finally got my tongue and nose pierced. I was so happy to have my nose done again. It hurt for 1 second. The piercer was so good. Then I decided to get my tongue pierced. I had wanted this for a good 10 years now but always thought it would hurt too bad and my X never wanted me to do it. My man, and son were waiting in the car because no children allowed still...hehe..so I got both done and went out and surprised him. He is so cool, he loves it and has helped me during the painful healing time. Another few weeks and I should be good as new, with 2 new piercings. Tattoos to come, when time and money allow, but now I am very happpy...very very happy. It hurt like a bitch when she stuck the needle in, but she was good. Breathing helped a lot. Everyone told me to breathe, for about 20 hours while I was in labor and it didn't help at all! But when I was concentrating on breathing while I was getting pierced, it helped a lot.
Bubba's first trip to the dentist was this morning. IT WAS TRAUMATIZING! It was supposed to be a free, 20 minute check up. I guess babies are supposed to go in at 12 months or when they get their first tooth, so I thought I should take him in now seeing as he's 20 months and has 16 teeth and counting! Turned out to be over an hour of trauma! 2 of his teeth had decay on it. Most likely because I still let him suck on that damn bottle, although I brush his teeth a lot and he is good at letting me. Anyways, she gave him some med, like baby valium to relax him (but he spit 2/3 of it out so was still wide awake) and then some of the good nitris laughing gas, and then he was supposed to lay still while she scraped off the decay, filled it, glazed it, and dried it. Long story short, I was ready to punch everyone in the room in the face about 2 minutes into this ordeal for holding my baby down so tight. The nitris mask was over his eyes so he was scared. Crazy chick holding his head still (bitch!), she was the worst. The dentist scraping away while he was bleeding, trying to bite her, screaming, shaking, snorting, choking, crying, and breaking mama's heart. The worst part is that Daddy had to hold his hands and I had to hold his little legs. I would probably do it all again because now his teeth are very clean and I just have to keep on brushing, and the decay that would have turned into a cavity is gone. So, between over an hour of Bubba crying, having to come up with $130 on a moments notice, and traumatizing my son again, forgetting to take my pain pill for my tongue, and losing my temper with my man because I felt so bad for giving Bubba this damn bottle when he wants it, we had a great morning! heh. Thank God Michael took a couple of hours off work this morning to come with us. Sebastian really needed him and I really needed him. Little man is sleeping right now which he needed. Now, Michael and I are talking about us going to the dentist...neither of us can remember the last time we went, definitely over a decade ago. I guess it will be our turn to cry...
1 comment:
Oh poor little guy but yes, at least it's over with now. I'm dreading our first dentist visit.
You're brave, I can't do the piercing thing. I had my septum pierced years ago and it hurt like a mofo. I've always wanted my nostril pierced and wish I did that instead of my septum, I'd probably still have it.
Now tattoos hurt but I can deal with that pain. Tounge piercing? I've seen enough done to know I'm way too big of a chicken.
BTW this is www.mamac-ta.com. I had to log in w/my old blogger account. Throws everyone for a loop ;)
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