So, my brother gave me a $50 gift certificate to a local tattoo shop that he won at a bar for stripping better than the other guy. We decided today was finally the day I could get one of the 5 new tats I want...since I'm not currently pregnant or breastfeeding and since it would be free mostly! So, we called ahead and they said we didn't need an appointment if we came early, so we bundled up the baby and took's only about 20 minutes the time it took us to find a parking space (we still aren't used to downtown parking and always forget to have quarters handy). So, we walk in and the guy says there are no kids allowed. This pissed me off because I needed them there to help me with the pain, and its not like hes going to tear the place apart (completely), so anyways, we decided Daddy would take him across the street to the library while I got 1 or 2 tattoos! YES! FINALLY! And thanks to my brother, this might actually be affordable! Then the dude says, let me see if theres a spot open, goes to the back, comes back up and says they are booked but I could leave $50 and make an appointment for another day! WTF! I said to him, my husband just called and you told us to come early, so we did. He really had no response, just wanted me to leave a deposit and make and appointment...I did neither and left, and pouted and bitched to my poor husband for about an hour. I really want to spend this brother did a lot to earn it and he gave it to me of all people! plus I want tattoos sooo bad! But, now I hate this place. But I really want at tattoo, I think I've mentioned that, OR A NOSE PIERCING! I had one once before, my step-mom took me to get it. I loved it, until my X accidentally tugged on it and it bled everywhere and I gave up on it. But me and my man think they are sexy, so I called the place back to see if they had a piercer. They don't but a couple towns north does. So, for whatever reason, I'm thinking about forgoing my tattoos until my bday or anniversay or some other occasion, and driving up and getting a piercing tommorrow! We shall see :) Thanks brother!
As for fire....My 20 month year old son always watches Daddy start fires in our wood stove and tries to help. We know he is fascinated by the matches and always has Grandma light them for him so he can blow them out. At first this was cute because I thought he would be ready for his 2nd birthday cake. But I've noticed his obsession growing. Tonight, Daddy accidentally left the 'strike on box kitchen wood matches' on the counter. Bubba is so tall now that he can reach the counter and he got the box. I told Daddy not to look at him or take them away or react because I really wanted to see what would happen. Under a very controlled environment while I was watching him without him knowing, and Daddy ready to jump at any moment, we waited to see what could possibly happen if we left them in his range again. He opened the box, got out a match, held it by the wood end, struck it against the side of the box, ONCE!!! And in less than a second, a huge flame! My baby was holding a lit match! Not to mention the open box of matches less than an inch away that could go up in smoke, not to mention the house! I could not believe it. My heart stopped. Of course Daddy got to him in one second and blew it out and now we have promised to only store them on the top top shelf on the cabinet, but still!!! Of course we all hear about how kids playing with matches burn the house down, but my 20 month old!?!?!? With his little tiny hands!! ON HIS FIRST TRY! ALL BY HIMSELF!!! I wouldn't believe it unless I saw it. Oh goodie, ANOTHER Thing to be extremely paranoid about...what is this, #4328? and still counting!! I had no idea how precisely babies mimick us until recently. I knew he was a genius but seriously! SERIOUSLY!!
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