Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Good-bye old friend...

goddess knows i've tried before...
and i'm trying again, at 21 months with a screaming toggler grabbing for the keyboard and the mouse... its time...again, for his teeth...for our sanity...his complete addiction to his rice milk or soy milk bottle...god please help us...this is almost too much too take...as i've already blogged about..i remember his first bottle...when everyone wanted me to breastfeed sooo bad and he was so hungry and wouldn't nurse...forever..then his first bottle...and i knew his tummy was full...and what else in the world mattered??????????? NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now we are trying again...but this time, I threw away all of his bottles and bottle paraphenilia and told my husband to dump it all out in the nasty big trash bin so I couldn't dig through in at 1 am and find the only damn thing in this world that soothes him...a playtex begginner nipple! damn you!

So, hes already 4.5 hours late on his nap today because he didn't have his comfort bottle, wish us luck!
His teeth need me to do this so I'm doing it.
I hope my marriage survies this...
he's at the point now where he can't even play because he's not willing to put down the bottle with one hand...(as pictured...)
It's not my fault he never wanted my titty, you know I tried and tried!!! The only thing he wanted was a bottle and now its time to say good bye.....
Oh god...These are pics of his very last soy milk bottle.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Oh man, what a hard time. I'm so proud of you. Hang in there sweet mama. I know you two can do it!